Monday, October 27, 2008

Our Crazy Weekend!

This last weekend David, Alanna and I went to Kris and Jamie's house to watch the kids while they went to Vegas. We came prepared with a ton of activites and had a great time!

Pumpkin Painting

We brought a little kit that came with tiny pumpkins and paint
and let the kids go to town!








They had so much fun, and were very proud of their pumpkins!
They all did a great job!

Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin

We bought this cool game, the kids loved it!

I don't remember who won but they had fun!

Create A Costume!

I thought it would be fun for the kids to create a halloween costume for a carnival we were going to go to later that night. We brought brown paper bags, glue and a ton of stuff. The kids were really creative and made some fantastic costumes

Ashlynn decided she wanted to be a princess with a beautiful hat.

In the background Alanna is helping Kaleb try on his Mummy mask and Sierra is working on her Angel costume.

Here's Tristen in his Swamp Monster costume complete with extra eyeballs!

Kylee's working the wand for her Fairy costume.

While waiting to go the carnival we celebrated all our creativity by eating this cupcake cake, delicious!

And then we decorated the front yard with spooky ghosts!

Carnival Time!

The kids did such an amazing job on their costumes!

Kaleb-Mummy, Tristen-Swamp monster, Ashlynn-Princess, Kylee-Wood Fairy, Sierra-Angel and Cameron is Spider Man! *lol*(I wanted him to be a robot but he screamed when I tried to fit him for a bag costume like Tristan's)

Kylee and Sierra made some really cool wings with David's help!

When we got to the Carnival that first thing the kids wanted to go on was this huge blow up slide.

You've go to admit, it's pretty cool looking! Cameron wanted to go on too but when it came down to it he wouldn't go.

The next slide we saw was a tall Bat man slide, I think that's Ashlynn coming down...?

Here comes Kaleb!

Next is Tristen...

..and here's Cameron! He went on this one with no problem!

There were a lot of vendors set up and most of them were giving out candy, here's Ashlynn sneaking a piece.

I just loved Sierra's wings! David cut out the pattern and Sierra glued the feathers on all by herself!

Woo Hoo, Cameron caught something!

Here's Ashlynn at the craft table making a headband.

Kylee and Sierra are decorating paper pumpkins.

Go Bella Squad!!

Alanna was such a huge help, she kept the girls occupied almost the whole weekend with the formation of the Bella Squad. The girls made up cheers and dances for hours on end!


On Sunday we made Halloween cookies. I took a pic of each kid as they cut out their favorite shape.

After the cookies baked we went to the park so they could cool down so we could frost them!

The Park!

Just down the street is a cute little park. We packed a lunch and pulled out all of the kids bikes.

To make it more festive, I used a cookie cutter to cut out halloween shapes in their sandwhiches. Sierra ate the middle of hers and I filled it with some grapes.

We bought all of the kids Halloween Crackers with prizes inside.

They all had a little spider inside and a whistle. For about 5 mins the peaceful afternoon was shattered by the sound of six whistles continuously being blown. The whistles were confiscated.

Frosting Time!

I filled plastic bags with different colors of frosting and cut a hole to make piping bags. Each kid got to frost 4 cookies. It was a blast and the kids did a great job!

There were two cookies left and David and I got creative!

I made a pumpkin.....

and David made an ectoplasmic ghost!

Which one is your favorite?

No, no don't eat me! Ahhhhh......


Jamie said...

Awww thanks again Aub and David... The kids looked like they had a blast!! We love you both and thanks to Alanna also! Sorry we missed u for halloween, the kids looked great!!

Michelle Lee said...

WOW!!! Aubrey and David you two need to have kids of your own. You guys make great babysitters!!! I think it is so cool how you came prepared with arts and crafts and cooking projects for all the kids. It looked like lots of fun. That was a big post with lots of colorful fonts. It made it very interesting to read all about the crazy weekend. I'm glad you posted so much. It's nice to see what you all are up to. Great job.