Sunday, August 3, 2008


David here posting once again. I figured I would share the beautiful cake Aubrey made for Regen's first Bday. I knew Aubrey could make cakes but I was so blown away by her talents that I had to share them with everyone. I hope you enjoy the pics as much as I did.
This is before it was all completed

Here's Aubrey in Action finishing the last touches

The finished cake, beautiful enough for a little princess

Boy that little princess definitely enjoyed it!


pkabow said...

Wow! That cake is really awesome? I've never seen a cake like that before. You really have talent! I also like the look of your blog-the colors, etc. It was cool to see an entry from you guys.

Michelle Lee said...

WOW is right!!! Aubrey you rock!!! That cake is amazing. How did you get the idea to make it? It had such neat detail work, all the pretty flowers. I bet little Regen had a great 1st birthday. Thanks David for posting the pictures. I really enjoyed them.

Aunt Michelle and the twins