Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Pics

Portrait of a Birthday

I didn't realize it had been so long since we had posted, or since I had downloaded my camera! I had over 200 pictures on it! There have been quite a few birthdays so I think I'll start with that. This isn't a complete post...there are a couple more birthdays to add.......

Dad's Birthday

Dad, giving a squinty-eye glare to camera. "I'm not fifty yet"!

Devon's relaxed in the knowlege that he has much longer to go until he's 50.

"I can eat all the cake I want and it won't go to my hips........cause I don't have them!"

Yes, life is good for little Devon.

Devon and Sierra's Birthday Party

I can't believe that Devon is already 1!

Devon is a connoisseur of fine cake.
Is it just me, or does Devon look like a derranged clown?
Speaking of derranged clowns.........
I have the wierdest husband ever!!
We had the party at Peter Piper Pizza, Regen's favorite!
Sierra had a beautiful princess cake, complete with a bottle.
They both made out pretty good in the present department!
The excitement was too much for little Regen, that or she passed out from pizza overdose.
Illegal soda sharing!! Caught in the act Grandpa!!


pkabow said...

Hey---you are a good photographer! I love the photos you posted. I'm sorry David didn't get approved the first time through. That happened to my sister when she applied for SS disability so she hired a lawyer on a contingency basis that if she got it he would receive a preset amount and if she didn't he would get nothing. She was approved!! I've heard others say that a lawyer helps when it is time to appeal the decision. Anyway--Good Luck!

Michelle Lee said...

Great way to compile all the birthdays together from the last month or so. I love your cute comments under the pictures. Thanks for sharing with us. Wish you and David could come up to Oregon for the reunion. I miss you guys. Maybe we can take a trip to see you in AZ? Or meet halfway in Las Vegas? It's an idea. I want Brett and K-K to see my girls and they are not coming to the reunion either.