Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Job

A Cubicle of My Very Own!

It's been a couple months now, but I have a new job! No more bookstore with irritating customers who don't know what they want or how to put anything back where they got it!! Yea! After almost 5 years with Borders still not even making $8 an hour, I was definately ready for a change. Last year I graduated with two certificates in medical coding and medical billing thinking it wouldn't be very hard to find a job....guess again!! I probably applied to about 100 Dr offices just looking for a receptionist position to get my foot in the door. I had ONE office call me and set up an interview, ONE. I went to the interview and thought it went really well, but when I called back about 5 days later just to touch base and let them know I was still interested the lady was really curt with me saying she would let the Dr know and he would call me. Needless to say I didn't hear from the Dr. So then I gave up on the Dr office aspect and just started looking for receptionist jobs anywhere! Meanwhile, Ashley got a job at the University of Phoenix starting at 25,000/year with great benefits, paid holidays and minimal customer service aspects. So I went to the website and applied for 10 different jobs. I'm now an Admissions Administrator and I get to sit all day, typing in transcripts and listening to music on my headphones!! I go in at 6 get a halfhour lunch (I had a choice between a half hour or an hour) 2 fifteen min breaks and I go home at 2:30! If I don't want to I don't have to talk to anyone all day long, it's so nice! Sometimes it's a little boring and it's not as satisfying, I miss being able to help people find what they're looking for, but I would never go back to retail! After 6 months I can apply to anyother job in the company and our managers are especially trained to help us advance. On my team of ten people, 6 of them have been promoted in the last 6 months! AND....I get my own cubicle! The company is a big believer in making their empolyees happy so we have pretty large cubicles, ergonomic chairs, and 22" monitors! I've never had a cubicle before and I love it! I even took a couple pics to show you...

When we're on our breaks, they ask that we put up a sign so they don't have to wonder what we're doing playing on the internet or reading or talking on the phone, or where you are. David and I were in Office Max and he decided that I had to have this sign rather than one I just printed off the computer!

My boss thought it was pretty funny!


ebow said...

What a cool job! Congratulations!

Michelle Lee said...

Yeah!!! You are back on-line posting again. I have been wondering what you have been up to. I love your new background on your blog. That is the prettiest color blue. I'm glad that you have a nice job making good money. I used to work for a university library for four years only making about $8 an hour. I know how frustrating it can be to make little money. But, I really loved helping people find books and help them work on lesson plans. So, that is why I stayed with them so long.

Jennifer said...

Awesome Aubrey! What a cool job. And your cubicle is so cute and comfy looking with great lighting. It seems so headache free not having to work with customers like I do in a pharmacy, standing on my feet 8 hours a day while people are screaming for pills! Ha ha. Congatulations on your achievement. Love Jenn

Ashley said...

Your cubicle is freakin way nicer then mine. Mine is SOOOOOOOO small and I certainly do not have a flat screen. I have an old old monitor and the freakin Microsoft windows sign is burned into the screen. So I see microsoft windows in the middle of the screen on everything. If i stare at the computer to long and look away and I still see it.

I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!