Thursday, December 20, 2007

We're Still Alive!

Ok, I know it's been like....months...since we've posted anything but I have a good excuse! I somehow misplaced the USB cord that connects the camera to computer so I couldn't get to my pictures. We finally bought a memory card ready so I could download my pictures, Yea! I'm going to be posting a series of bloggs in the next couple days so be sure to check back frequently. Here is a preview of whats coming...



Wildlife World Zoo

Christmas Lights



Sunday, October 14, 2007

A new picture!....Finally!....and some stuff about the car

This is the first picture we've taken since the wedding, isn't that just sad!? I got a new hair cut and we found some new shirts for David. So to commemorate the occassion I had Dad take a picture of us. I had wanted a full body shot, but Dad's soup was burning so this is all we got!
All right, so here's a brief update of the last week. I called pyrex about the exploding cake pan. I was told that in the booklet that comes with the pans it tells you to never place a hot pan on the stove, even if the stove is warm. Apparently the temperature difference is enough to result in an exploding pan! Isn't that crazy!? However, they're still going to send us a new pan, which I thought was pretty decent of them. Hooray Pyrex!
Now for the car. Most of you probably don't know the whole car story so here it goes. I've had a '99 Purple Pontiac Grandam for the last three years. I've never had any problems with it, other than the front seat tilting to the right. Last Christmas Dad installed an XM radio, which I loved! A few months later someone broke into my car by popping out the driver side lock and stole the radio. This sucked! I was able to find a replacement door handle and Damon installed it, but I was without a radio. A week before the wedding in May, I was driving to church and I went to turn into the parking lot. I turned the steering wheel and nothing I kept turning it, and turning it...finally the car turned enough that I could make it into the parking lot but there was a lot crack! The rack and pinion, which connect the steering wheel to the wheels had broken! We talked to a couple people and discovered that it was going to cost us over 1,000 to fix! We were going to try to save up the money but that just didn't happen so we finally went to the bank and took out a loan to fix the car. We ended up having to replace the sub frame and the rack and pinion for about 1,300. The day we got the car back, we took it to get washed and talked to a glass replacement guy who called my insurance and got them to replace the entire windshield for free! We got a 100 dollar radio at April's work for 40 and installed it ourselves, everything was going great! Then the interior panel lights went out. We checked the fuse and it was blown so we replaced it but the light was still out. We figured a bulb had blown or maybe a wire had snapped, but it's really complicated to check on those kind of things behind the dash. We found out that it was going to cost us about 140 just to have someone see what the problem was and then 5-600 depending on what was wrong! Dad suggested we take the radio out since that's when everything started going to crap. By then fog lamps, shift lights, and other interior lights had stopped working and we had replaced 4 blown fuses! We took the radio out and saw some wires that had been pulled out of the panel when my radio was stolen. They weren't important, so I had never noticed that they weren't connected. When we installed the radio the wires fell down and touched the metal, grounding them and causing fuses to blow! We fixed the wires, replaced the last fuse and everything finally works great!! Thank goodness! We're planning on keeping the car until David's disability rating goes through in february/march and we can afford a car payment. Hopefully the car won't blow up before we can get rid of it.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Woohoo we made Kaboom Cake

Ok this is David again. Most of you don't know me but I am that adorable kid on the right hand side all grown up and married to Aubrey. Well I am placing another post only this time it's a little more scary. Aubrey and I decided to make dinner tonight. I made a chicken lasagna (from scratch I might add...except for the noodles) Aubrey decided to make a layer cake type dessert. She had me pull the glassware with the cake out of the oven and set it on the stove. About 10 seconds later we heard a loud pop and these were the results:

I added a few angles so you could see the full effect

Here it is without the cake.

The explosion was so forceful that large chunks of glass were blown across the kitchen! It was the craziest thing any of us had ever seen! The saddest thing is, we couldn't even eat the cake. It had a couple chunks of glass on and the whole top sparkled from tiny shards. We sent an email to pyrex to tell them what happened. They want us to call them and talk to them in person and to send in the pieces so they can be tested. We'll let you know what happens with that. Maybe they'll send us a new dish!


This is David online and deciding to make a post to everyone. This is actually something that Aubrey and I made together about 9 months ago. The funniest thing is this is actually one of our more normal things that we have made. Maybe someday we will post our microsoft paint pictures we made together.

It is her and I and our interpretation of our son and daughter.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Snickers 2000-2007

I found Snickers in a Tack store in Anchorage 7 years ago. Since then, she's been my constant shadow, following my from room to room in the house and waiting for me at the window to come home. She was the only cat I ever had that actually came when called. In fact, when she was tired and thought it was bedtime, she would stand in the doorway of the room and meow until I came up. If I took too long she would come find me and meow until I went to bed. She was the sweetest cat and would sleep right next to me and sometimes right on top of me. I loved her dearly. A few weeks ago she went out and didn't come back. We found on the side of the road a couple days later. Needless to say, I was devestated. To help ease the pain of losing her, David took me to Petco to look at kittens. Although, nothing could take Snickers place, Twix has made her own place in our hearts. She was 9 weeks old when we adopted and under two pounds. They believe that her mother may have been feral and as a result she will be a smaller cat. She has the same fur pattern as Snickers but a lighter color. On the top of her caramel colored splotches and looks a little like a calico. She's incredibly playfull and loves to race around the room and attack our feet and and fingers. She loves both David and I and sleeps inbetween us the entire night. David and I consider ourselves lucky to have found she an adorable kitten with so much personality! She has a ton of energy and doesn't stay still for very long. I had to take over a hundred pictures to get a few that weren't blurry!

This is one of the few times she actually sat still!

Keeping the house safe from fake wooden snakes!

She'll attack snakes but turtles freak her out!

Grandma loves her newest grandchild.

She's gives this blog a big thumbs up.

"Stop taking pictures of me!"

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Our First Post...

Well since this is our first post we'll just say howdy and tell you to keep coming back and see what's going on. There are lots of exciting events in store for these BILLS...and AUTO REPAIRS....and NEW KITTY....and..and...and..that's about it for now.