Saturday, October 6, 2007

Snickers 2000-2007

I found Snickers in a Tack store in Anchorage 7 years ago. Since then, she's been my constant shadow, following my from room to room in the house and waiting for me at the window to come home. She was the only cat I ever had that actually came when called. In fact, when she was tired and thought it was bedtime, she would stand in the doorway of the room and meow until I came up. If I took too long she would come find me and meow until I went to bed. She was the sweetest cat and would sleep right next to me and sometimes right on top of me. I loved her dearly. A few weeks ago she went out and didn't come back. We found on the side of the road a couple days later. Needless to say, I was devestated. To help ease the pain of losing her, David took me to Petco to look at kittens. Although, nothing could take Snickers place, Twix has made her own place in our hearts. She was 9 weeks old when we adopted and under two pounds. They believe that her mother may have been feral and as a result she will be a smaller cat. She has the same fur pattern as Snickers but a lighter color. On the top of her caramel colored splotches and looks a little like a calico. She's incredibly playfull and loves to race around the room and attack our feet and and fingers. She loves both David and I and sleeps inbetween us the entire night. David and I consider ourselves lucky to have found she an adorable kitten with so much personality! She has a ton of energy and doesn't stay still for very long. I had to take over a hundred pictures to get a few that weren't blurry!

This is one of the few times she actually sat still!

Keeping the house safe from fake wooden snakes!

She'll attack snakes but turtles freak her out!

Grandma loves her newest grandchild.

She's gives this blog a big thumbs up.

"Stop taking pictures of me!"


Michelle Lee said...

Aubrey, sorry to hear about Snickers. She was a sweet cat that you had forever. I'm glad that you found Twix. She looks so cute. I can't wait until you are pregnant. You are going to make a great mom. You have a pretty amazing mom, my sister, as it is.