Sunday, October 7, 2007

Woohoo we made Kaboom Cake

Ok this is David again. Most of you don't know me but I am that adorable kid on the right hand side all grown up and married to Aubrey. Well I am placing another post only this time it's a little more scary. Aubrey and I decided to make dinner tonight. I made a chicken lasagna (from scratch I might add...except for the noodles) Aubrey decided to make a layer cake type dessert. She had me pull the glassware with the cake out of the oven and set it on the stove. About 10 seconds later we heard a loud pop and these were the results:

I added a few angles so you could see the full effect

Here it is without the cake.

The explosion was so forceful that large chunks of glass were blown across the kitchen! It was the craziest thing any of us had ever seen! The saddest thing is, we couldn't even eat the cake. It had a couple chunks of glass on and the whole top sparkled from tiny shards. We sent an email to pyrex to tell them what happened. They want us to call them and talk to them in person and to send in the pieces so they can be tested. We'll let you know what happens with that. Maybe they'll send us a new dish!


pkabow said...

I love your blog! It really shows your personalities. And also your cat's personality. Did you eat the cake?

Michelle Lee said...

The same thing happened to Barry and I in Newport, OR. About one year ago we were making a roast, potatoes, carrots in a pyrex pan. Then we took everything out of the pan and were going to make gravy. We left the pan on the back burner which gets really hot from the oven. I was standing in the kitchen when the pan exploded. I screamed for Barry to bring me shoes and a broom. There was glass everywhere. In the gravy, the meat, the potatoes, etc... glass went everywhere. I can't believe the same thing happened to you guys. Lucky you weren't in the kitchen when it exploded. I was pretty scared when it happened to me.