Tuesday, January 1, 2008


A Perfect Day!

Ok, I'm finally making good on my promise to post on the blog. First on my list is the wedding. We had the most beautiful wedding, I don't think the day could have been more perfect! Fortunately, we also had the best photographer EVER! He stayed for about three hours and took pictures of everything. Then he took a few of the pictures and did some color effects and put them on a slide show with music on a disk. We got the slideshow and a cd with all of the pictures and the rights! Here are a few of my favorite pictures.

David right before the wedding

Mom and I made the boutonnieres

Me right before the wedding

Mom, my bride's maid Nicole and I

David's Nephew, Joe was the ring bearer

Kylee was the flower girl and Kaleb was her escort.

I don't think Kaleb was expecting to see a camera man in the aisle!

Dad making his "I'm not crying face" as we go down the aisle

David getting the ring from Joe with the help of his best man, Mark.

Everyone blew bubbles as we walked down the aisle.

The Wedding Party

Mom and I

Mom, Dad, David and I...so happy!

Add in Grandma and Grandpa Juchau

The Juchau clan...Alanna, a pregnant Ashley, Dad, me, David, Mom, Kris and April

David's Step Father, Kris and his Mom

David's sister Jamie and her family....Daniel, Jacob (12), me, Joseph (5), David and Jamie

David and I with his Grammylady (Grandma Smith)

David's Family...Daniel, Jacob, Jamie, me, david, Mom, Joe, Kris, and Grammylady

The Whole group

The photographer took a bunch of pictures of David and I, these are my favorites

The cake was just beautiful!

Jacob and Joe visiting our table at the reception

Kaleb got bored and decided to stack the plastic glasses

Grandpa Juchau was amazed

On the table behind them you can see how we decorated, April and mom made the green table runners and David and I cut the flowers off a bush in front of the high school the night before! David's mother and I had bought gold fish the day before to go in the vases with the flowers but most of them died a few hours after we bought them so only a few had fish in them.

Dad making his "I'm not crying face" again as we dance.

David and I dancing.

I'm so lucky, I had the most beautiful wedding, it was exactly how I had dreamed it would be, and I have the most amazing husband who loves me for who I am! I wish you all could have been there and I can't wait for you to meet David, I know that you'll love him just as much as I do!


pkabow said...

What a wonderful wedding! You both look so happy. Best wishes for a long, wonderful life together. Love to you both. Grandma Bowman

Michelle Lee said...

I love the pictures of your wedding Aubrey. It looks like you had beautiful weather and lots of family and friends there. I still remember my wedding as the most wonderful day in my life. I hope you and David have a great and happy life together. Start your family soon, don't wait as long as I did. Love you both!!

Jennifer said...

Good Job! you finally got your wedding photos up and they're beautiful. I am glad you had a wonderful day. I love the outdoor lighting-so nice. Love aunt jenn

Jamie said...

I love all the pics and I hope ours turns out just as good:) Again congrats guy's we love you:)

Kris and Jamie