Friday, February 13, 2009

We Are Still Alive and Well!!!!

Well it's about that know, the time when Aubrey and I come out of the apparent cave that we hide in and let everyone know what we have been up to. Well to start Aubrey is still loving her job. I am still trying to get my computer repair company up and's slow but I won't give up hope yet. Also we found out something else:

That's right. We are pregnant. We are so happy!!!!! As you can see in the first pic (so it's not very clear) That's our baby!!! On the bottom those little squiggly looking lines are the recording of the heartbeat. It was the best thing ever. We both almost cried when we heard it. Well I will try and keep everyone informed on what's going on from here on or I will get on Aubrey about keeping up with this thing.