Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ultrasound Pictures!

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've been on. I had heard about 4-D ultrasounds but thought it was too expensive. David did a lot of research and found a place that was relatively inexpensive and surprised me with an appointment! We went last Saturday but Jackson was laying sideways in a cannon ball shape with one arm wrapped around his leg with his knee in his face. The other leg was straight up with his foot resting against his head and his chin was tucked dow so all you could see was the top of his head and a foot! The technition bounced my belly and had me shake my belly but Jackson just refused to move. They let us reschedule for today at no extra charge which was really nice of them. For the rest of that day I kept waiting for Jackson to move but I wasn't really feeling anything. When I woke up last Sunday morning I still wasn't feeling him, even when I layed on my stomach. I was a little concerned so we went to the ER. The nurse later told me that she was scared silly that she wouldn't be able to find a heartbeat but he was totally fine! His heartbeat came right up loud and clear. They sent me for an ultrasound just to be sure that everything was fine and passed with flying colors. They were able to see him do his diaphram exercises, move all his body parts and practice breathing. The technition was really nice and turned the screen so I could see his little mouth moving!! It was so cute! So today we went back to the 4-D ultrasound place and I drank a milkshake on the way to make sure that he was good and awake. This time his head is down, his back is toward my left side, his butt is at the top of my belly but his body is still folded in half with his feet by his head! At first he was facing foward but we couldn't get a good 4-D pic because there's a lot of stuff in the way, possibly the umibilical cord, and the machine couldn't focus. The tecnition bounced my belly trying to get Jackson to turn his head so we could get a clearer shot but he just wouldn't do it. I even got up and jumped around a little! Finally, in the last five mins, he turned just slightly and we were able to get some really clear shots. He's got the chubbiest little cheeks!

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