Monday, May 18, 2009

It's A Boy!!!!

Hi everyone! I know it's been ages since we've posted anything! The pregnancy's been a little rough. I had all day morning sickness for the first three months before they finally gave me the same stuff they give chemo patients for nausea!! That helped immensely! I don't have to take it all the time anymore but I still have to take it occasionally. The baby rolls around constantly! On all of our ultrasounds he moves so much that it takes at least a half hour before he is still long enough that they can take one measurement!
He gave us a scare at a Dr.'s apt about a month and a half ago. The Dr. was just going to listen to the heart beat, so no ultrasound. He listened to one side and got nothing. Then he moved to the other side and got nothing. He moved around a little and finally picked up a heart beat but it sounded strange to me. I asked, "Is that the baby"? The Dr. just stared at his device and didn't say ANYTHING for about a minute. David and I are just staring at each other. Then the Dr. moved to the center, picked up a much faster heart beat and gave a sigh of relief. I said, "THAT'S the baby! I thought the other heart beat was too slow." He laughed and agreed. Then I felt the baby's first little kick and we heard it on the microphone at the same time! That was so neat!
Last week we went in for an ultrasound to check anatomy and found out that we're having a boy! Yea!! We're going to name him Jackson Blake Gibbons. Here are a couple ultra sound pictures. The first few are of him eating his hand and the last one shows his little boy part.

He's recently decided that he's going to dictate what side I can sleep on! Unfortunately he changes his mind throughout the night! Until this weekend I hadn't felt anything more than rolling, flutters and waves. He finally figured out how to hit and kick and now it's his favorite thing to do! David and I are so excited and can't wait until little Jackson is born! We went out this weekend and made registries at both Walmart and Target. We bought the cutest little piggy banks at Walmart, they're a giraffe and a lion that are perfect for our jungle theme!